Very Simple Sound Tutorial
1. If you want to publish your director project as a shockwave file (automatically embedded in an HTML) and test it on your local computer, all your external media files need to go into a folder called "dswmedia". (For more info on this subject look up "dswmedia" in "Director Help").
2. Importing Sounds. Sounds should be small. This is especially important when playing them from the web. Very small sounds can be imported directly into Director. This means that they become part of the Director file.
Bigger sounds should be imported using "Link to external file" (see below).
3.They will then show up as part of your cast. If you want to make a background sound, drag the castmember into one of the sound channels.
4. If you want the background sound to play more than once, select the sound in the sound channel and check "loop" in the sound tab of the property inspector. (see below.
4. If you want a sound to play for example as part of a "on mouseUp me" - type event handler, import another sound. Write a behavior script for a soundfile called "hello"
on mouseUp me
5. Drag the script onto a sprite on the stage. Run the movie. The sound should now play when you click the sprite. The number 2 in "sound(2).play(member("hello")) refers to the second sound channel. "hello" refers to the name of the cast member.(see below). For more info on the subject, look up "sound" in Director Help.