Mandelbrot/Julia Fractals on Xilinx FPGA

Floating-Point Performance Characterization of PowerPC 440 CPU using Fractal Sets

Table of Contents [Toc]

Hardware Architecture
   Clocking Infrastructure
Fractal Kernels
   Basic Kernel
   Dual-Issue Kernel
Implementation Results
Performance Assessment
   Julia Set
   Mandelbrot Set
Summary & Conclusions

Overview   [Toc] [Top]

This project briefly describes the implementation of a fractal compute kernel on a FPGA prototyping platform with an embedded PowerPC 440 CPU and floating-point coprocessor, including visualization of the fractal set on an external TFT display. The main objectives of this project are summarized as follows:

Basically, the project intends to accomplish all computational tasks for the fractal sets using the embedded PowerPC 440 RISC CPU, ultimately for characterization of the CPU-based processing performance. If, in the end, the computational performance lacks significantly for the intended application, selected computational tasks might still be offloaded from the CPU to hardware-based processing.

Features   [Toc] [Top]

The hardware architecture consists of:

The associated software includes:

Hardware Architecture   [Toc] [Top]

The hardware architecture is depicted below. Besides the TFT display and the serial communication, all components are part of the Xilinx ML507 FPGA prototyping board.

Hardware Architecture
Hardware architecture for the fractal project. Visual output is accomplished through the VGA TFT controller and the TFT display. User control is realized through serial communication and push buttons. The VGA TFT controller implements a PLB master device, which is capable of performing autonomous data transfers from its assigned video memory, in this case a section of the DDR2 SDRAM. In this context, it is important to note that the PowerPC CPU needs to perform a cache flush of the video data once it is completely computed and ready to be displayed.

Clocking Infrastructure   [Toc] [Top]

The clocking scheme of the system architecture needs to adhere to a bunch of different rules imposed by various interconnect and device specifics. The applied clocking scheme and the corresponding important clock ratios are listed below.

Clock Frequency Clock Ratio
CPU core clock 400 MHz
FCM clock (APU) 200 MHz CPU:FCM 2:1
CPM clock 200 MHz CPU:CPM 2:1
MCI 200 MHz CPM:MCI 1:1
DDR2 200 MHz MCI:MEM 1:1
MPLB (PLB_v46_0) 100 MHz CPU:MPLB 4:1, CPM:MPLB 2:1
SPLB0 (PLB_v46_1) 200 MHz CPU:SPLB 2:1, CPM:SPLB0 1:1
TFT 25 MHz

Glossary   [Toc] [Top]

APU Auxiliary Processing Unit
BRAM Block Random Access Memory
CPM Communications Processor Module
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DCR Device Control Register
DMA Direct Memory Access
FCB Fabric Coprocessor Bus
FCM Fabric Coprocessor Module
FPU Floating-Point Unit
GPIO General Purpose Input/Output
MCI Memory Controller Interface
MPLB Processor Local Bus Master
SPLB Processor Local Bus Slave
PLB Processor Local Bus

Fractal Kernels   [Toc] [Top]

Basic Kernel   [Toc] [Top]

The initial kernel for computing the fractal sets has been written in plain C using floating-point arithmetics. For each data point (pixel) in the complex-valued coordinate system, the basic fractal kernel computes:

iter = 0;

while ((zr*zr + zi*zi <= max_val) && (iter++ < max_iter)) {
// fundamental equation: z = z^2 + c
zr_tmp = zr*zr - zi*zi + cr; // compute real part
zi = 2*zr*zi + ci; // compute imaginary part
zr = zr_tmp;

This kernel contains the following (dominant) floating-point operations:

4 floating-point
4 floating-point
add/sub operations:
zr² + zi²
zr² - zi² + cr
2*zr*zi + ci
1 floating-point
zr² + zi² <= max_val

Here, I only focus on add/sub, multiply and compare operations and intentionally neglect any load/store instructions. According to the FPU data sheet, the add/sub operation requires 5 (6) clock cycles, the multiplication 4 (6) clock cycles, and the compare operation 4 (4) clock cycles in single- (double-) precision data format for the 200 MHz high-speed FPU variant. Moreover, the FPU coprocessor is specified to be fully pipelined for add/sub and multiply operations, and incorporates 32 floating-point registers.
In the end, the fractal kernel exhibits 9 dominant floating-point operations (FLOPS) per iteration, a fact that is used in the subsequent performance analysis.

Dual-Issue Kernel   [Toc] [Top]

A fruitful attempt to improve the computational performance has been made by extending the basic fractal kernel to a dual-issue variant. In other words, the revised fractal kernel computes now two independent (adjacent) pixels per loop iteration, and thus improves the computational performance based on the following rationale:

Temporal Locality: The data required for processing is still present in the data cache and/or the CPU/FPU registers. No extra load/store operations are required.
Spatial Locality: The data required for processing is accessed through one or several contiguous memory access operations and is cached in the corresponding cache locations. In general, sequential access on contiguous data is superior to random access.
Data Dependency: i) Identical operations on the same data can be fused, e.g., the twofold occurrence of zr*zr (or zi*zi) in the code example above are merged by the C compiler into a single operation and the corresponding intermediate result is re-used.
ii) Independent data can be interleaved in order to increase the computational load on certain processing blocks. As such, a certain degree of concurrency in data processing might increase the aggregated computational throughput. Nevertheless, the applicable degree of concurrency depends on the individual CPU/coprocessor architecture, e.g., the amount of CPU/FPU registers, support for multiple pipelined instructions, and the cache architecture. Therefore, successful application of concurrency requires careful software adaptations in order to achieve increased aggregated computational performance.

In short, the main goal of the dual-issue fractal kernel is to increase the average load on the FPU by exploiting its support for pipelined instructions. This goal is ultimately motivated by the fundamental guiding principle 'Make the common case fast!'.

The implementation of the dual-issue fractal kernel finally looks like:

iter0 = 0;
iter1 = 0;
do_flag0 = 1;
do_flag1 = 1;

while (do_flag0 || do_flag1) {

if (do_flag0) {
do_flag0 = ((zr0*zr0 + zi0*zi0 <= max_val) && (iter0++ < max_iter));
// fundamental equation: z = z^2 + c
zr_tmp0 = zr0*zr0 - zi0*zi0 + cr0; // compute real part
zi0 = 2*zr0*zi0 + ci0; // compute imaginary part
zr0 = zr_tmp0;

if (do_flag1) {
do_flag1 = ((zr1*zr1 + zi1*zi1 <= max_val) && (iter1++ < max_iter));
// fundamental equation: z = z^2 + c
zr_tmp1 = zr1*zr1 - zi1*zi1 + cr1; // compute real part
zi1 = 2*zr1*zi1 + ci1; // compute imaginary part
zr1 = zr_tmp1;

Further experiments with a triple-issue fractal kernel showed a decrease in overall performance.

Please note, that the above code examples allow variable iter to be in range [0, max_iter+1], depending on the individual abort condition.

Implementation Results   [Toc] [Top]

Julia set with max_iter=130
Mandelbrot set with max_iter=120
Julia set with max_iter = 130 and c = -0.4 + 0.6i as rendered by the embedded system at VGA resolution (equivalent MATLAB picture)
Mandelbrot set with max_iter = 120 and c = 0 as rendered by the embedded system at VGA resolution (equivalent MATLAB picture)

Xilinx ML507 FPGA prototyping board
Julia set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
The Xilinx ML507 FPGA prototyping board with additional cooling solution including fan. Additional cooling is mandatory when using a lot of external high-speed I/O switching, in this case the DDR2 SDRAM.
Julia set computed on the Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform at VGA resolution (before fixing the vertically mirrored image).

Julia set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Julia set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Julia set at increased zoom level. The number of colors in the colormap equals the maximum number of iterations.
Julia set at further increased zoom level. Navigation is either accomplished through keyboard cursor keys and RS232 transmission, or through push buttons on the FPGA board.

Mandelbrot set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Mandelbrot set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Mandelbrot set computed on the Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform.
Mandelbrot set at increased zoom level.

Mandelbrot set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Mandelbrot set on Xilinx ML507 prototyping platform
Mandelbrot set at further increased zoom level.
The maximum number of iterations can be dynamically increased at any zoom level in order to improve the level of details. Changing the maximum number of iterations instantly affects the colormap generation.

Performance Assessment   [Toc] [Top]

Using VGA resolution, the fractal image computation involves a total of 307'200 pixels. Each pixel represents a complex-valued number consisting of two single- or double-precision floating-point values, i.e., in total 8 or 16 bytes per pixel. The total computation time per image is showed for two selected Julia and Mandelbrot sets in the corresponding tables below.

Julia Set   [Toc] [Top]

Julia set with max_iter=130 Parameters:
c = -0.4 + 0.6i
x_origin   = -1.4400
y_origin   = -1.0800
resolution =  0.0045
max_iter  = 130
dimensions = 640x480 pixels

Measurement Results

average number of iterations per pixel = 21.3

FPU coprocessor not present single-precision FPU double-precision FPU
data format single-precision double-precision single-precision double-precision
basic kernel 20.185s 30.839s 1.248s 1.416s
dual-issue kernel 20.835s 31.321s 0.944s 1.007s
performance gain -3.2 % -1.6 % 24.4 % 28.9 %

Floating-Point Performance Analysis

Since we have previously identified the dominant floating-point operations per iteration of the fractal kernel, i.e., 9 FLOPS per iteration, the corresponding floating-point performance can be calculated based on the following parameters:

pixels per image 307'200
average iterations per pixel 21.3
FLOPS per iteration 9

FPU coprocessor not present single-precision FPU double-precision FPU
data format single-precision double-precision single-precision double-precision
basic kernel 2'918'000 1'910'000 47'188'000 41'589'000
dual-issue kernel 2'827'000 1'880'000 62'384'000 58'481'000
performance gain -3.2 % -1.6 % 24.4 % 28.9 %

Numbers represent FLOPS.

Mandelbrot Set   [Toc] [Top]

Mandelbrot set with max_iter=120 Parameters:
c = 0
x_origin   = -1.0600
y_origin   =  0.2350
resolution =  0.0003
max_iter  = 120
dimensions = 640x480 pixels

Measurement Results

average number of iterations per pixel = 33.2

FPU coprocessor not present single-precision FPU double-precision FPU
data format single-precision double-precision single-precision double-precision
basic kernel 30.985s 47.417s 1.898s 2.171s
dual-issue kernel 31.761s 47.752s 1.426s 1.510s
performance gain -2.5 % -0.7 % 24.9 % 30.4 %

Floating-Point Performance Analysis

Since we have previously identified the dominant floating-point operations per iteration of the fractal kernel, i.e., 9 FLOPS per iteration, the corresponding floating-point performance can be calculated based on the following parameters:

pixels per image 307'200
average iterations per pixel 33.2
FLOPS per iteration 9

FPU coprocessor not present single-precision FPU double-precision FPU
data format single-precision double-precision single-precision double-precision
basic kernel 2'962'000 1'936'000 48'362'000 42'281'000
dual-issue kernel 2'890'000 1'922'000 64'370'000 60'789'000
performance gain -2.5 % -0.7 % 24.9 % 30.4 %

Numbers represent FLOPS.

Summary & Conclusions   [Toc] [Top]

The PowerPC 440 floating-point coprocessor realized as soft-IP and clocked at 200 MHz has a theoretical asymptotic computational performance of 200 MFLOPS. However, it is barely impossible for practical software to unleash this performance due to the inherent overhead of load/store operations, data dependency issues, or the limited availability of FPU registers.

Nevertheless, it was possible in this project, by solely adhering to the C programming language for software implementation, to achieve an FPU performance of up to 64 MFLOPS at application level. It's a solid achievement, however, there might be room for further improvements by using assembler instructions for the implementation of the fractal kernel.

Outlook   [Toc] [Top]

Future steps and improvements might involve:

References   [Toc] [Top]

[1] Xilinx Inc., Virtex-5 Family Brochure, Dec 2008

[2] Xilinc Inc., Virtex-5 Website

[3] Xilinc Inc., Xilinx Virtex-5 ML507 FPGA platform


Last updated: 2012/12/30

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